HE Abdi A Hersi
The head of Somaliland Mission to the UK and the Commonwealth

About the Mission

The Somaliland Mission to the UK was established in 1993 as a liaison office two years after the Republic of Somaliland withdrew from the failed union of Somalia and regained its independence to promote its national interests. The Mission has since been the official representative of Somaliland in the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland appointed by the Somaliland Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

The Somaliland Mission’s main responsibility is to raise awareness of the international Community about the aspirations and commitment of the people of Somaliland and to solidify the vision of peaceful and independent Somaliland on international level. We will also continue to build our relations with Britain and other EU governments in the hope that they will support independent Somaliland which is an active member of the international community.

Objectives and vision delegated to us by the Somaliland Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation are to:

• Campaign for the full recognition of our country.
• Work hard to upgrade our status to full Diplomatic Mission.
• Build good relations with the British government, the EU and International Community and demand to respect the right of our people to self-determination.
• Keep our public informed on relevant developments and raise awareness of the issues that continue to challenge our nation.
• Represent the interests of Somaliland and its Diaspora in the UK.
• Research and provide latest information about Somaliland to facilitate knowledge and better understanding of the international community about the facts on the ground in our country.
• Facilitate Trade and Friendship between Britain and Somaliland

The Mission has been given the authority by Somaliland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation to provide the following different kinds of services during the working hours:

Visas for foreign citizens:

• Single Visas for three months (Fees: £40 cash)
• Multiple Visas for six months (fees: £80 cash)

To acquire a visa a passport holder should have 6 months minimum expiry date for single visas and 9 months for multiple visas.

Renewal of documents:

• Renewal of Somaliland passports only

The following authentications for the Somaliland Diaspora (Fees: £30)

• Deeds
• Death certificates
• Educational certificates
• Marriage certificates
• Birth certificates

Visa applications should be downloaded from the mission’s website. If you are unclear about any aspect of the entry requirements or reassurance, you need to contact the Consulate with the following address, tel.nr, or email:


43-45 East Smithfield, London E1W 1AP.

Tel. 020 3011 0163


Opening hours:

Mondays to Friday from 10.00am-16.00pm

Consular hours: (11.30am-15.00pm) Monday to Thursday) only.

Contact Email: contact@Somaliland-mission.com

Or visit: www.somalilandgov.com or www.somaliland-mission.com